wikitext, what is it?
2007-05-17 09:53:02 UTC
wikitext, what is it?
Six answers:
2007-05-17 09:58:20 UTC

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikitext as it is used in WikipediaWikitext language or wiki markup is a markup language that offers a simplified alternative to HTML and is used to write pages in wiki websites such as Wikipedia. Wikitext is text in this language.

There is no commonly accepted standard wikitext language. The grammar, structure, features, keywords and so on are dependent on the particular wiki software used on the particular website. For example, all wikitext markup languages have a simple way of hyperlinking to other pages within the site, but there are several different syntax conventions for these links. Many wikis, especially the earlier ones, use CamelCase to mark words that should be automatically linked. In many modern wikis (such as Wikipedia and other MediaWiki-based wikis) this convention was abandoned in favor of explicit link markup, e.g. with [[…]].

Some Wiki program allow extensive optional use of HTML tags within wikitext, others a smaller subset, and still others no HTML at all. In some cases, restrictions on HTML may be determined by each site that uses the program. It is now actually considered poor etiquette on wiki websites to use HTML in place of wiki markup, despite the former option being available.

MediaWiki, the software that runs Wikipedia, has a wiki markup language that allows many common HTML tags; it is intended to provide a simple, readable syntax to allow users to use it without knowing HTML.
2007-05-19 09:45:00 UTC
Wiki topics are written in WikiText, which FlexWiki converts into HTML and serves up in a dynamic, server-side ASP.NET Web page (*.aspx) when an end user requests the page. WikiText is a simple markup language that does not descend from the SGML family as do HTML and XML. For an example of WikiText, click the Edit control in the righthand pane.

Publishing existing content to a Wiki from any format, be it SGML, HTML, XML, WordML, plain text, rich text, or any other format is fairly straightforward. Converting a binary file might be a bit more challenging.
2007-05-17 19:34:44 UTC
Wikitext language or wiki markup is a markup language that offers a simplified alternative to HTML and is used to write pages in wiki websites such as Wikipedia. Wikitext is text in this language.

There is no commonly accepted standard wikitext language. The grammar, structure, features, keywords and so on are dependent on the particular wiki software used on the particular website. For example, all wikitext markup languages have a simple way of hyperlinking to other pages within the site, but there are several different syntax conventions for these links. Many wikis, especially the earlier ones, use CamelCase to mark words that should be automatically linked. In many modern wikis (such as Wikipedia and other MediaWiki-based wikis) this convention was abandoned in favor of explicit link markup, e.g. with [[…]].

Some Wiki program allow extensive optional use of HTML tags within wikitext, others a smaller subset, and still others no HTML at all. In some cases, restrictions on HTML may be determined by each site that uses the program. It is now actually considered poor etiquette on wiki websites to use HTML in place of wiki markup, despite the former option being available.

MediaWiki, the software that runs Wikipedia, has a wiki markup language that allows many common HTML tags; it is intended to provide a simple, readable syntax to allow users to use it without knowing HTML.
2007-05-17 16:55:43 UTC
Wikitext language or wiki markup is a markup language that offers a simplified alternative to HTML and is used to write pages in wiki websites such as Wikipedia. Wikitext is text in this language.
2007-05-17 17:00:26 UTC
Wiki from the Hawaiian word "wee wee Kee Kee" ( "quick quick"). Wiki is an open system, people can choose to remain anonymous or real names to edit or add content. Wiki system is a hypertext system, the Web can be on the basis of Wiki text browser, create, change, and this building, modification, and release of the price than the HTML version small; Victoria off those systems also support community-oriented collaborative writing, so Wiki writers are natural components of a community, Wiki systems for network groups provide a simple communication tool. And other hypertext systems, Wiki is easy to use and advantages of open, So Wiki system can help people in a community sharing within a certain area of knowledge.
2007-05-17 17:00:49 UTC
internet dictionary

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