2011-09-20 06:49:43 UTC
1.This page is for uploading images and other media files to the English Wikipedia. Please go here to ask image and media questions, or here to upload an image if you don't have an account. To create a new article, please see the Article Wizard. You can also find out where to ask questions or experiment with editing. If you upload content in the public domain, or under the GNU Free Documentation License or a Creative Commons license, that license is irrevocable.
2.Are you uploading a free image or media file?
Please upload it to the Wikimedia Commons.
Items uploaded to the Commons can be used on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, helping to create a central repository of free images and multimedia.
3.If you are familiar with our image policies and already know which license applies, go directly to the upload form.
You must be an autoconfirmed user logged in here on the English Wikipedia before you can upload files directly to this project. If the image you are attempting to upload is free content, please consider uploading it instead to the Wikimedia Commons as explained above; it can then be displayed directly on all Wikimedia projects, including here on the English Wikipedia. Alternatively, requests for image uploads can be made at Wikipedia:Images for upload.
None of these seem right. All I want to do is upload an image first, so I can use it to insert into my wikipedia article. PLEASE HELP!